
Line Workers Appreciation Day 2023

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Today, ZAMCELCO joins the nation in celebrating the 2023 National Line Workers Appreciation Day. โšก๏ธ

Let us take a moment to recognize and appreciate the hard work, dedication, and passion of our fearless line workers who ensures the flow of electricity in our communities.

The New ZAMCELCO organized a 6-day event seminar for our linemen, the Series of Basic Linemen Training Program, prior to the National Celebration of Line Workers Appreciation Day. This training session happened on a series of Saturdays, which began on June 24, 2023 and concluded on July 29, 2023.

Our linemen play a vital role in any electrical distribution company, making it possible for any Cooperative to successfully distribute energy throughout their areas of responsibility. As a result, it is critical to keep our linemen up to date on current trends and practices in their chosen field of work.

Hence, the Basic Lineman Training Program Course was developed and implemented to assist newly recruited linemen beginning in 2019 in honing their abilities and expertise in several areas such as: Basic Electricity Introduction, Philippine Electrical Code (PEC), Basic Electrical Safety, Consumer Relations & Etiquettes, Planning & Surveying, Line Construction, Construction Deficiency, House Wiring Inspection, Materials/Equipment Familiarization-Sizes of Wires & Application, Termination tools & proper handling, Metering (Types of Metering Plan, Metering Requirements & Features), Meter Reading, Interpretation of Results, Rights of Way Clearing, Documentation, Forms of Single & 3-Phase, Process of Inspection (RA 7832), Transformer & Distribution Lecture (Transformer Connection, Hands-on Application for both Metering & Transformer), Safety & Rescue (Basic First Aid Procedures, Recovery & Rescue), Pole Climbing Lectures/Line Construction Application & Basic Gear Preparation & Knot Tying), Trouble Shooting Techniques for both lecture & application.
Each dimension covered was critical because they are the front-liners and have first-hand knowledge of the job at hand. Furthermore, this training course provides an opportunity for them to assess their existing strengths and limitations in several fields.

Throughout the course, each lineman demonstrated an eagerness to learn new skills and knowledge that would better equip them in their respective fields of work.

It was a rigorous training course that began at 4:30AM and finished at 5:30PM, made possible by the ZAMCELCO Management with the support and efforts from its employees.

The nation dedicates every 1st Monday of August to celebrate the hard work, passion, dedication and determination of our Line Workers.

The National Electrification Administration (NEA) and the Philippine Rural Electric Cooperatives Association (PhilRECA) spearhead an activity via Zoom, gathering all 121 distribution utilities around the Philippines to honour these remarkable skilled individuals and to pay tribute to our unsung heroes – Warriors of Light – who work relentlessly to keep our power lines connected and our homes/establishments powered up.

Moreso, the event appreciates and recognises the line workers’ outstanding contributions, commitment, and sacrifices in the development of rural electrification, especially during times of disaster when rapid power restoration and rehabilitation are much needed.

ZAMCELCO is one with the nation extending its greetings to each and every lineman of the coops and in the nation. Happy Lineworkers Appreciation Day!

We truly appreciate and value your contributions. Your efforts and commitment are truly commendable!




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